Catwoman Review: Part 2

Hello again, dear readers. Uncanny Fox here, continuing my review of the 2004 disasterpiece, Catwoman. When we last left off, mousey ad designer Patience Phillips stumbled upon an evil plot to poison everyone with toxic beauty cream and was killed for it, only to be brought back to life by a magic cat. She then […]

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Catwoman Review: Part 1

Nooooooooo…… I don’t wanna do it. I don’t wanna do it. But I have to do it. I have to do it. *Sighs* Hello again, dear readers. Uncanny Fox here, continuing my review series on the theatrical Batman films with a look at the first half of 2004’s spinoff movie, Catwoman. Yes, we’re doing this. […]

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Batman And Robin Review: Part 2

Hello again, dear readers. Uncanny Fox here, continuing my review of the 1997 trainwreck, Clooney And Dipsti… I mean, Batman And Robin. When we last left off, our Dynamic Duo of Batman and Robin had somehow been replaced by George Clooney and an idiot resembling Chris O’Donnell, Arnold Schwarzenegger threatened Gotham with a freeze gun […]

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Batman And Robin Review: Part 1

Hello again, dear readers. Uncanny Fox here, continuing my ever-daunting review of the live-action theatrical Batman films with a look at the first half of the dumpster fire that is 1997’s Batman And Robin. That’s right folks, instead of seeing Avengers: Infinity War like a sane person, I spent last weekend watching… this. What’s wrong […]

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